Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I'm really into creatures. I love 'em. That isn't to say certain insects, reptiles, or predators don't make me nervous. I just have a heightened appreciation, as an Earthling, for what comes with the property.


This past Spring, dead birds seemed to spring up in my path on a weekly basis. It was morbid, yeah, but I didn't kill them, Stan killed one (he was so eager to bring me this baby bird he found in the yard) a baby starling, the first of a set that had hatched in our backyard, kicking off three days of no-mow zones and supervised potty breaks. All my special attention and those birds still all kicked-it. Starlings are prob not on the list of 'fittest'.

The Starling family is apparently residential, bedding in the elm outside my study window, and nesting (not next year!) in an open portion of the shed roofing.

Of the more disturbing images, our backyard seemed to be riddled (I mean that the dog found many) with these, well, bird embryos. We have trees around our yard, but mostly around the fence. The illusion is that they must have been eggs that just dropped from a mother in flight or something. They smelled absolutely mortal, and gave me the creeps. Not to mention, the dogs were obsessed with finding more.

 It's not all dead around here though.
Plenty of things very much alive for spring and summer.

This'll be like watching snails.

Snails really seem to thrive in the under/overgrowth of a weedy flowerbed. The more weeds, the more snails.

Not that I'm awfully fond of spiders, but they do end up in my way often.

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