Wednesday, February 8, 2012

OoOo I just love packages.

 There's nothing like getting good old fashioned mail. The personal kind.
Someone sending out a pick-me-up, or forget-me-not.
To me, there's no better present than a hand-written letter, or a surprise that someone put some real thought into. Thought about you, and what you could use or love.
So thank you sO much to my good friend Mary, who remembered something that caught my eye not too long ago, and putting so much extra, um, flare into it :)

A Smashbook !

I already have so much to add to it.

I know for fact I would never get into 'scrapbooking' which requires an aptitude for design and layout.
I just need a cut-and-paste journal for all the nic-nacs I tend to pocket and keep forever.
Sadly, I've been looking around for just the right composition or sketchbook for just this. Now I've got the real thing, and it's sO much more fun.

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