Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I Went Out Walking

A beautiful January day in Kansas, 60 degrees and hiking.

Sharing the same day off, and weather being beautiful, we had to take the kids out. So it was off to Milford, where Hera had her very first hike ever. She did near 'bout 8miles, what a trooper!

Stan had a blast showing his sister how to hit the trails.
I had a wonderful day being able to spend it out of doors, with my all my loves, and  in good health.

1 comment:

  1. Cute! I wish I could visit before you move back. But you are moving back! OMG! And... I sent you a package of gloriousness today. And I am blogging about it. But I forgot to photograph the recycled box I doodled all over with ironic things. Drat.
