I've known Ashley since High school, and, thanks to the social network, we are still somewhat in touch. I dunno why she keeps me on her 'friends list', but I keep her because, like everyone I keep on the Facebook, she's interesting, and she's a Zookeeper! Over half of you reading this (I know there's more than two of you) are inwardly thinking 'ohhhh If I could switch careers...', Yeah, me too. That's why I asked her about it.
How did you become a Zookeeper?
I majored in animal behavior and psychology at Towson University. Then I went into AmeriCorps and it really boosted my self confidence, work ethic, teamwork, and want to succeed. I applied for a starting job, animal care, at the zoo [Baltimore Zoo]. In my interview I made sure to let them know what I had gained. They hired me, I worked my ass off every day that I worked with the keepers. They noticed, a job opened up, and I got promoted. Now I work almost every day with African Black Footed Penguins, and beautiful birds such as Crowned Cranes, Ground Horn Bills, Flamingos, the list goes on... and the cute little praire dogs. That's my story.
It's a good story!
Do you plan to stay with penguins and birds, does it change around at all, or do you have/get a preference?
If a different area has a position open up, I can apply and move to it, but I like where I am right now.
Ever think of moving zoos, or do you love it there [Baltimore Zoo]?
Probably only the D.C. Zoo. I have no interest in moving out of Maryland.

If I'm planning a visit, what are the must sees?
Our zoo is not huge, so you can see everything in a day, but fo course, the penguins are a must see!
Also, we have a new younger female lion, and a young female giraffe, pretty cute.
If someone wants to get into the zoo business, would you recommend the same route you took? Is there a more common entrance into the field?
I don't know much about AmeriCorps, you're the only person I know they went through it.
Well, It definitely doesn't pay much at all, so you have to really have the passion. Most places require a bachelors degree or a lot of experience. Most likely, you would need to go to school. It is one of the most competetive jobs out there, so it's hard to get in.
I didn't realize zookeeping was such a competitive field. This is great to hear, and somewhat discouraging to those of us who wish we could just run away to a zoo.
I have the sweetest eleven year old next door. I love that he says his hero is Steve Irwin, and that he wants to be a zookeeper, "which means [he] has to go to college", seems fairly serious about it for eleven. What do you tell children who have this spark?
I tell children to stay in school. Do internships like Junior Zoo Crew. Then go to college.
Ashley then headed out to her zoo, since, "Zookeepers still have to work through hurricanes." That actually sounds like fun to me.
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